CIDR – (Controlled Internal Drug Release) An intravaginal insert that releases progesterone by diffusion into the vagina. This device is used in the development of estrus synchronization protocols in beef and dairy cattle.


Carcass Weight

Carcass Weight– The weight of an animal after slaughter and removal of most internal organs, head, and hide. On average, for feedlot steers and heifers, a beef carcass is about 63% of the weight of the live animal. For …

Carrying Capacity-beef cattle

Carrying Capacity – The maximum stocking rate possible without damaging vegetation or related resources. The potential number of animals or liveweight that may be supported on a unit area for a grazing season based on forage potential. Carrying capacity may …

Feed Adulterants

Feed Adulterants– Toxic organisms, filth, pesticide residues, radioactive fallout, any poisonous or deleterious substance, or any substance added to increase bulk or weight in a food product.…



In ruminants: An abnormal condition in ruminants characterized by a distention of the rumen, usually seen on an animal’s upper left side, owing to an accumulation of gases.

In dogs: A twisting of the stomach that can be …